About Us!

Hi! Welcome to our Blog! 

I'm so glad you stopped by! Let me take a minute to introduce you to my family!

 Don't let the professional picture fool you.

We are normally a hot mess just like most families out there. :)

I'm Laura, and the hotness that is my hubby up there is Wes. We have two kids, Emma Kathryn a.k.a "Beauty Queen" and "Bean" and Jackson Douglas. Although we usually call Jackson something to the effect of "The Squishy", "The Naughty", "Man", "J to the Odom", etc. So basically he has about 3,457 names.

Wes and I met back in college and although he played hard to get, I finally suckered him into marrying me a few years later. So in November, 2005 we tied the knot and life just kept getting better after that. I'm an engineer by day, and Wes is a business consultant and for the most part, we are a typical family. We have been through our share of ups and downs, and health issues, but I have to say that we have come out on the other side still laughing and loving every minute of life.

The Girls

That's me and my princess, Emma. She is one of the happiest kids I know. The girl never stops smiling! She just has this personality about her that is truly infectious. She went from a tiny little peanut to being a first grader in the blink of an eye. Please hold on for a second while I pick myself up off the floor.

Okay, I'm back.

I know I'm biased but this girl is nothing short of amazing. I mean seriously. She has had her fair share of medical issues, including VesicoUreteral Reflux (VUR), which is basically where her urine goes backwards, from her bladder to her kidneys. We found this out when she was only nine months old and although it doesn't effect her everyday life at this point, we weren't quiet lucky enough to be one of the cases that is grown out of by three. You can read more about Emma's VUR journey here.

As for me, I'm a 35 years old, full time working mom and part time Independent Team Beachbody Coach, that has a completely new outlook on life. I've been through Postpartum Depression, but attribute my new attitude more to coming through the biggest challenge of my life thus far, surviving breast cancer. At 33 years old, with a four year old and a two year old, I was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer after finding a lump. But you know what? Even that isn't enough to keep me down. I'm a fighter and learned so much about myself through that experience, I actually consider it a blessing.

The Boys
 I mean come on, are they not the cutest?

That's Wes and The Squishy, and that boy is one big personality shoved into one tiny little package. Jackson has been something else from day one. We were so blessed though that Jackson was born happy and healthy and full of crazy. He is all boy, he likes to eat dirt, loves trucks and cars and dinosaurs, eats boogers and terrorizes his sister like he is supposed to. He is four years old and headed into Kindergarten way too soon for Mommy. You know how they say that a picture is worth a thousand words? Well, if you asked me to describe The Squishy with a thousand words, this is what I would show you.

And that handsome hubby up there, that's Wes, who is also 35 years old and a full time working Daddy. Not to brag too much, but he is pretty much the most amazing Dad you will ever meet. He loves reading history books (mainly WWII based books), is a runner and is just that all around amazing person who is absolutely my rock, through thick and thin.

Our New Story

Now that we have come through some of the most challenge times of our lives, we are ready to write a new story for our family. Granted, although the past challenges have made us work harder to get through a normal day then we ever expected, we also had a ton of fun and have officially made the CHOICE, to focus on writing the best story we possible can. Wes and I are focusing not just on our own health and fitness goals, but we are doing it as a family. We are at the point where the kids ONLY eat vegetables if they are promised a special treat after dinner. No special treat = them not eating dinner more often then not, along with a side of major meltdown. 

I'm focused on getting my body back to health after finishing up both surgery and chemotherapy and what I really want to do is learn what works and doesn't work for someone in maybe a similar situation so I can offer them help and support, to get back to where they want to be. We are committed to trying new things to hopefully get our family out of the "special treat" rut, teach our kids how to make the right choices when it comes to taking care of themselves, while not just TELLING them what to do, but showing them that it's important to us as well.

Because of that, we decided to join Beachbody as Independent Team Coaches! We hope that if you are ready to make the CHOICE to improve your health and fitness and to truly start to live your best life, you can contact us and we can help! If you are interested in signing with us up as your free coach, just click this link:

And if you are interested in learning more about also becoming a coach, click here:

We are writing our new story, as a family.

What would you write as your new story?

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