Well, we had a great doctors appointment on Friday! Everything is still looking good, right on target. The heartbeat was once again strong, and the belly is measuring right on track. Surprisingly, so is my weight ha! Since I was able to stick to the "one pound per week" suggested weight gain, I decided to celebrate with a Dairy Queen Blizzard on the way home. :) So there goes my one pound for this week ha!
I am heading back to the doctors in two weeks for both my glucose test and my Rh immune globulin shot. The glucose tolerance test is used to screen for gestational diabetes. The test is generally given between the 24th and 28th week of pregnancy. The test involves drinking a sweetened liquid (which I am told tastes like flat orange soda) within 5 minutes, which contains about 50 grams of glucose. The body absorbs the glucose rapidly, causing blood glucose levels to rise within 30 to 60 minutes. Then, a blood sample will be taken at pretty much exactly 60 minutes after drinking the solution (they asked me to record exactly what time I take my last sip, so they can time it to almost exactly one hour). The blood test measures how the glucose solution was metabolized (processed by my body). So needless to say, I think I will be skipping the Dairy Queen Blizzard after my next appointment since I will already be all hyped-up on my flat orange soda drink. :)
I think I posted about the RH shot before so I won't go too much into detail here, but basically it's because I am RH Negative. The Rh immune globulin shot consists of a small dose of antibodies, which kill any RH-positive blood cells in your system and then prompt your immune system to develop its own antibodies. The donated antibodies are just like yours but the dose isn't large enough to cause problems for the baby. Nothing like a quick shot in the tush to start off the weekend! Ha!
So that's pretty much the latest! Time has really been flying by lately. I can not believe I will be in my third trimester already this week. We are really looking forward to our hospital tour though on Wednesday! I also just started my list of things to do before the little peanut arrives, so I at least feel better having a list to be able to look at and check things off. Now we just need to get cracking to check some things off!
We hope everyone had a great weekend! More to come later!
Just so Shamus doesn't feel left out (because of the kitty pictures)...here is an updated picture of "The Mus"!
Wow I can't believe your already in your 3rd trimester. It just seems like yesterday you were announcing. Let me know how the hospital tour goes.