My Poor Baby

Friday, May 14, 2010

This is going to be a very short post as both Mommy and Baby are completely exhausted. Emma is in bed but needs another dose of Motrin for the night and I don't know how much longer I can keep my eyes open. :)

There will be more to come on this, but basically we found out today, after two very long days and many hours at the doctors office, that Emma has a UTI. We aren't sure where she got it from yet, but after she is better Emma will be going through a few more tests to hopefully find out. My poor baby is miserable and is still having a high fever despite two strong doses (four shots) of antibiotics. I am really hoping that tonight will be the night that she kicks the fever, but the diaper bag is packed and ready to go just in case. Last night, Emma spiked a fever of 104.6. So we were 0.4 degrees and 2 minutes away from heading to the ER, but luckily the fever broke. Hopefully there won't be any repeats tonight, but just in case there are, I am heading off to bed, and yes, it is still light outside. :)

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