Giving Back On World Cancer Day

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

I honestly had no idea that today was World Cancer Day. When I first heard about it my initial thoughts were something like....

"What the hell? Breast cancer has an entire month. Now cancer needs another day?"

Then I realized what #WorldCancerDay actually meant. It meant raising awareness and taking a proactive approach to the fight against cancer.

Solutions DO exist and they are completely within our reach.

The theme of World Cancer Day is "Not Beyond Us". Meaning that the ultimate solution will exist and is reachable. It's all about cancer prevention, early detection, treatment and care.

  • Chose a healthy lifestyle because healthy lifestyles can lower your risk of cancer. 
  • Early detection. For many types of cancers, there can be warning signs and symptoms. The benefits of early detection are indisputable.
  • Treatment. Everyone should have the right for treatment, and without suffering some finanical hardship because of it.
  • Quality of life. Everyone, cancer survivors and their caregivers deserve high quality and compassionate care and support!
So I was thinking about how I could give back, and I decided that since the nutrition changes that we made after I finished treatment made such a big impact on how I felt and how I recovered, that was a a great place for me to start.

Let me tell you, it wasn't an easy switch after treatment! There were things I didn't know about and learned the hard way. There were special circumstances that I had to deal with because of treatment that I never had to worry about before. And I didn't really know who to talk to about it.

I'm not a doctor. I'm not a nutritionist. I'm just a mom who has been through treatment and fumbled my way through, learning as I went. And I want to share what I have learned with others.

So starting on February 23rd, I'm running a completely free, 5-day, clean eating group for survivors! If I can just help one person, or help them to make one small change, it will be worth it.

If you would like to join, or know someone that might benefit from this group, please leave a comment or visit the event page HERE.

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