37 Weeks! Full Term! (Again) Ha!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Well, today marks Jackson's official 37 week Birthday and he is now considered to be full term!! Just a few short weeks ago we were convinced we weren't going to see this day pregnant but here we are!!

I had my regular weekly doctors appointment yesterday and nothing big or exciting came out of it (which is a good thing these days)! Jackson has been moving and grooving up a storm lately, as if to make sure he stays out of Labor and Delivery for a while haha. Of course Mommy is hoping for the exact opposite at this point!!

I was going back through some of my blog posts with Emma around this time and things are happening pretty much exactly the same! This is just about when swelling started with Emma (which is absolutely happening with Jackson), the bathroom trips at night doubled (yup....same here), I was even craving orange juice at this point with Emma too (Jackson can't get enough)! It was just a few days short of me turning 38 weeks with Emma when she really dropped and I remember feeling a lot of relief pretty much the moment that happened. I'm not sure how I am going to feel when Jackson finally drops since I feel like he is sitting so low already. I do have a lot more pressure than I did with Emma because of that and overall I think I feel more uncomfortable then I did with her as well. I am starting to think that this little man isn't going to be so little after all.

In one of my previous posts with Emma, I wrote this...

"Daddy still tends to give me the :::side-eyes::: whenever I talk about wanting to have Emma any day now. He still thinks Emma should wait as long as possible. Of course, this is coming from a man who has NOT been caring around this child for the last 9 months...ha."

...and I could have easily written that exact same thing today!! I told Wes that I will give him one more week, until I turn 38 weeks, and then Operation HAVE THIS BABY will be in full affect!! :)

I don't know where they get these pictures from, but apparently, today, Jackson is Swiss Chard!

Jackson is now considered "full term," even though my due date is three weeks away. If I go into labor now, his lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb. He weighs about 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel. Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long, but if he is anything like his big sister, we have a while before that happens! Ha!

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