I tried my hand at making homemade Spaghetti Sauce on Sunday and boy was that a rough night. Not only that, but I made the mistake of taking it for lunch the next day and then we had it last night for leftovers (trying to be money conscious and not just let our left overs go bad in the fridge like normal). OUCH!! Last night I could barely lay down because I could feel the acid just rising in my esophagus. Yuck!
I felt much better this morning so with my breakfast I had a small glass of low sugar Orange Juice...and boy am I paying for it now!
A few weeks ago when it finally got warmer out, I treated myself to a black cherry snowball thinking it was better for me then the Dairy Queen Blizzard that I really wanted haha. I don't know what it was that made me feel so bad, but I felt so sick all night long!! Emma does not like black cherry snowballs for sure!!
I haven't had too many cravings lately...other then the usual brussel sprouts which I still want a couple times a week. I did have a random craving over the weekend of Swedish Fish while on the drive up to PA. Other then that, the cravings have been pretty tame. Last week it was Oatmeal Crisp Hearty Raisin cereal, followed by this week's bagels and cream cheese. Cranberry Juice has been a staple craving since about day one and is still going strong!
Next Things to Come:
What a busy few days!! Let's rewind and go back to the end of last week. Emma turned 31 Weeks last week and I purposely didn't post and updated Belly Pic because, let's just say, Mommy wasn't feeling very cute. :) Since she is about to turn 32 Weeks (8 Months!) on Wednesday, I'll save the next update until then.
I ended up taking Friday off of work last week as it was supposed to be a nice relaxing day for Mommy to start to get ready for Emma's arrival. Little did I know that our basement was about to flood earlier that week and the repair company for our Refrigerator was full of 'stuff'. So unfortunately, I ended up spending most of the day on the phone aggravated, but, it was a day off of work none-the-less. I also headed to my normal doctors appointment where everything was again measuring right on track! Then it was off to a Manicure and Pedicure that I had been waiting WEEKS for and boy did that feel good!! That finally put me in weekend mode!! Friday night was a rough night though. Although I went to bed at a decent hour and fell right to sleep, I woke up about 1:30 in the morning MISERABLE because not only was it really hot but my poison ivy was the worst it had been since the beginning. Although I tried to keep quiet and do whatever I could to stop the itching without waking Wes up, it didn't work and I burst into tears once I got back in bed. Poor Wes. So off he went to CVS because we had nothing other then Calamine lotion which clearly wasn't doing the trick. Bless his heart, Wes left at about 2:30AM to go get me some Benadryl and finally, after it sank in, I slept like a log. I woke up all drowsy (but much less itchy) at 10:00AM the next morning. I don't think I had slept that late in years!
Saturday was such a fun day though! It completely made up for a really bad couple of weeks! It was Baby Shower day!!! I had such a good time and can't thank everyone enough not only for coming and for all the gifts for Emma, but just for making it an amazing day!! My mom, Mary, Erin, Lauren and Dana did a fabulous job and I can't thank you guys enough for everything that you did!! Lauren was in charge of the games (which were a big hit) and Dana made the signs so that everyone knew where the food, presents and game room was. :) I actually took a picture of the back of our Explorer when we got home to show you how packed it was!! I was feeling really unprepared before the shower and feel sooo much better now thanks to all the wonderful gifts! Emma got tons of adorable clothes, sheets, blankets, bathing stuff, toys, bathing suits, etc. She even got her stroller/car seat combo, pack-n-play, Baby Bjorn, play place...you name it and little peanut got it!
After the shower, Mom, Dad, Wes, Emma and I all went to the O's game against the Yankees. Although they lost the night before, they creamed the Yankees 12-5 and despite the threat of rain, it was a perfect night for a game.
Sunday was my first official Mother's Day!! Although that is debatable, in my mind it was my first because from the moment someone finds out they are pregnant, they immediately start changing their life based on what is best for the baby. They also immediately start worrying about everything...which is the number one sign of being a mother haha. We headed down to my Mom and Dad's house to go back through all of the Baby Shower stuff and load it up. It was fun to get to go back through everything and show Wes all of Emma's cute outfits. :)
Now it's back to work! Tonight I am heading to our final Childbirth class and unfortunately Wes isn't able to come since he is starting his new job today (GOOD LUCK HONEY!), but luckily I have a great stand in who is willing to come and spend three hours practicing breathing on a hard floor...thanks Mom!! :) Tomorrow it's off to our next Sonogram at 7:00AM (yikes!), but it's always fun to get to see Emma! She is growing like a little weed!! I think that's about it for this week, until this weekend when Wes and I are off to a friend's wedding!!
More to come later this week...hope everyone has a great Monday!